Category Archives: Haiku

Three Haiku for Winter


City winter:

Dried sidewalk salt

Far from home


Snow whistling

In rows across the road:

My mother’s hair


Oh, its snow

On mountain-ash berries –

Not blossoms at all!



# 1,2,3 in After the Night Rain, Dankworth Publishing, 2014.

#1 in An Anthology of Haiku by the People of the United States and Canada. Japan Air Lines, 1988.


Three Haiku for Autumn


How best to balance

Cell phone, briefcase, umbrella

Now that it’s raining?


Rainy day walkers

Repopulate the mall:

White sneakers, white hair


Still life:

Young woman viewing a Monet

Museum guard yawning



In After the Night Rain, Dankworth Publishing, 2014.



Three Haiku for Late Summer


Bringing in the dock:

Remembering summer

One piece at a time


Cornfield cicadas

Shrilling in the humid breeze:

Rough leaves rattle


Late summer

Road construction dust:

A drooping thistle



#1, #2 in After the Night Rain: Haiku. Dankworth Publishing, 2014.

#2 in Dragonfly: A Quarterly of Haiku 14, 1, 1986.